Class 12 Biology MCQs Reproductive Health for NEET

Here, you will get Class 12 Biology MCQ of Chapter 4 Reproductive Health for cracking NEET/AIIMS. By solving these MCQs of Class 12 Biology Chapter 4 Reproductive Health, you will get the confidence to crack NEET. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. 

Reproductive Health Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

The technique called Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) is recommended for those females
(a) who cannot produce an ovum
(b) who cannot retain the foetus inside uterus
(c) who cannot provide suitable environment for fertilisation
(d) all of these

Answer: (a) who cannot produce an ovum

Which of these can be used to cure infertility in couples where male partner has very low sperm count ?
(a) IUD
(b) GIFT
(c) IUI
(d) None of these

Answer: (c) IUI

Increased IMR and decreased MMR in a population will
(a) cause rapid increase in growth rate
(b) result in decline in growth rate
(c) not cause significant change in growth rate
(d) result in an explosive population

Answer: (b) result in decline in growth rate

A national level approach to build up a reproductively healthy society was taken up in our country in
(a) 1950s
(b) 1960s
(c) 1980s
(d) 1990s

Answer: (a) 1950s

From the sexually transmitted diseases mentioned below, identify the one which does not specifically affect the sex organs?
(a) Syphilis
(b) AIDS
(c) Gonorrhea
(d) Genital warts

Answer: (b) AIDS

Rapid decline in a population due to high mortality rate is called
(a) Population density
(b) Population crash
(c) Population explosion
(d) All of these

Answer: (b) Population crash

‘Saheli’ a female antifertility pill, is used
(a) Daily
(b) Weekly
(c) Quarterly
(d) Monthly

Answer: (a) Daily

Central drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow has developed a contraceptive named?
(a) Mala-D
(b) Combined pills
(c) Saheli
(d) Condoms

Answer: (c) Saheli

Which of these is cause by a retrovirus
(a) Gonorrhoea
(b) AIDS
(c) Trichomoniasis
(d) Syphillis

Answer: (b) AIDS

The birth control device not used by women is?
(a) Diaphrame
(b) Oral pill
(c) Nirodh
(d) Copper-T

Answer: (c) Nirodh

Which is related to males?
(a) Oral pill
(b) Tubectomy
(c) Vasectomy
(d) None of these

Answer:(c) Vasectomy

Following statements are given regarding MTP
(i) MTPs are generally advised during first trimester
(ii) MTPs are used as a contraceptive method
(iii) MTPs are always surgical
(iv) MTPs require the assistance of qualified medical personnel
Choose the correct option

(a) (ii) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (ii)

Answer: (c) (i) and (iv)

In-vitro fertilization involves transfer of ____ into the fallopian tube.
(a) embryo upto eight cell stage
(b) embryo of thirty two cell stage
(c) zygote
(d) either zygote or embryo up to eight cell stage

Answer: (d) either zygote or embryo up to eight cell stage

Lactational amenorrhoea means
(a) absence of menstruation during pregnancy
(b) absence of menstruation during lactation
(c) excessive bleeding during menstruation
(d) no production and secretion of milk

Answer: (b) absence of menstruation during lactation

Essay on Population was published by
(a) Darwin
(b) Lamarck
(c) Malthus
(d) Hugo de vries

Answer: (c) Malthus

Medical Termination of Pregnancy is safe up to
(a) 8 weeks of pregnancy
(b) 12 weeks of pregnancy
(c) 18 weeks of pregnancy
(d) 24 weeks of pregnancy

Answer: (c) 18 weeks of pregnancy

Which of the following methods of contraception is most widely used?
(a) IUDs
(b) tubectomy
(c) cervical caps
(d) diaphragms

Answer: (d) diaphragms

 Choose the correct statement regarding the ZIFT procedure
(a) Ova collected from a female donor are transferred to the fallopian tube to facilitate zygote
(b) Zygote is collected from a female donor and transferred to the fallopian tube
(c) Zygote is collected from a female donor and transferred to the uterus
(d) Ova collected from a female donor and transferred to the uterus

Answer: (b) Zygote is collected from a female donor and transferred to the fallopian tube

Drug RU-486 is used as
(a) Contraceptive
(b) Abartive agent
(c) Used for amniocentesis
(d) Mutagen

Answer: (b) Abartive agent

Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing foetus by amniocentesis ?
(a) Jaundice
(b) Down’s syndrome
(c) Cystic fibrosis
(d) Colourblindness

Answer: (a) Jaundice

Progesterone in the contraceptive pill
(a) Prevents ovulation
(b) Inhibits estrogen
(c) Checks attachment of zygote to endometrium
(d) All the above

Answer: (a) Prevents ovulation

The prenatal technique to determine the genetic disorders in a foetus is called
(a) Laproscopy
(b) Amniocentesis
(c) Abstinence
(d) Coitus interrupts

Answer: (b) Amniocentesis

Which of the followings is/are barrier method of contraception?
(a) Rhythm method/Periodic abstinence
(b) Lactational amenorrhea
(c) Withdrawal method
(d) None of these

Answer: (d) None of these

Emergency contraceptives are effective if used within
(a) 72 hrs of coitus
(b) 72 hrs of ovulation
(c) 72 hrs of menstruation
(d) 72 hrs of implantation

Answer: (a) 72 hrs of coitus

Sterilisation techniques are generally fool proof methods of contraception with least side effects. Yet, this is the last option for the couples because
(i) it is almost irreversible
(ii) of the misconception that it will reduce sexual urge
(iii) it is a surgical procedure
(iv) of lack of sufficient facilities in many parts of the country
Choose the correct option
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Answer: (d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

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